Early findings from the GARUDA trial: The impact of a genetic signature of late radiation toxicity on prostate cancer treatment decision making.
Journal of Clinical Oncology (2023)
GARUDA (Germline DNA-Based Radiosensitivity Biomarker Influence on Toxicity Following Prostate Radiotherapy) was a single center phase II prospective study evaluating the impact of sharing results from a germline genetic signature (PROSTOX) characterizing patients as having a low or high risk of developing late > 2 genitourinary (GU) toxicity from stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) on decision making and toxicity. The goal of this early analysis was first to see if this information changed treatment choice, and second to see if patients categorized as genetically “low-risk” would have less late GU toxicity than those categorized as genetically “high-risk.”
Recommended citation: Weidhaas, J.B., Marco, N., Steinberg, M.L., Lee, A., Xiang, M., Valle, L.F., Casado, M., Stube, A., Telesca, D. and Kishan, A.U., 2023. Early findings from the GARUDA trial: The impact of a genetic signature of late radiation toxicity on prostate cancer treatment decision making.