Germline variants disrupting microRNAs predict long-term genitourinary toxicity after prostate cancer radiation
Radiotherapy and Oncology (2022)
The purpose of this study was to determine whether single nucleotide polymorphisms disrupting microRNA targets (mirSNPs) can serve as predictive biomarkers for toxicity after radiotherapy for prostate cancer and whether these may be differentially predictive depending on radiation fractionation.
Recommended citation: Kishan, A. U., Marco, N., Schulz-Jaavall, M. B., Steinberg, M. L., Tran, P. T., Juarez, J. E., ... & Weidhaas, J. B. (2022). Germline variants disrupting microRNAs predict long-term genitourinary toxicity after prostate cancer radiation. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 167, 226-232.